Convener: Regional Seminar on “National Geological Monuments & Geoheritage Sites of Rajasthan: Their Development & Management”, One day, Seminar & Discussion (Brain Storming Session) on Saturday, November 12, 2016, Next day a half-day (Forenoon) field trip to Zawar Geoheritage Site
Convener: Rajasthan Heritage Photo Competition-2019, An Initiative of INTACH Udaipur Chapter in collaboration with Hindustan Zinc Ltd., Udaipur and Ayad Museum , Department of Archaeology & Museums, Govt. of Rajasthan , Udaipur, held at Ayad Museum, Udaipur during 19,20,21 February 2019.
Organizer: Heritage Walk: Doodh-Talai to Raampol organized through INTACH Udaipur Chapter
April 29, 2017, Akshaya Tritiya VS 2074, 18:00-19:00 hr. Chief Guest -VC MLSU Prof. JC Sharma
April 18, 2018, Akshaya Tritiya VS 2075, 17:30-19:00 hr. Chief Guest -DCF Shree RK Jain, IFS
September 01, 2018, Janmashtami eve VS 2075 at 17:00 -19: hr. Chief Guest -DCF Shree RK Jain, IFS
May 07, 2019, Akshaya Tritiya VS 2076, 17:30-19:00 hr. Guest of Honor-
Conservator of Forest Shree RK Khairwa, IFS, Udaipur, & DCF Shree Ajay Chittora, IFS,
June 26, 2020, COVID-19 Pandemic Year, 11-13 hr, with MD-RSMML-Shree Somnath Mishra +VA , CSR Development visit
Post Restoration Heritage Walk is proposed for May 14, 2021, Akshaya Tritiya VS 2078, 17:30-19:00 hr

- Geoheritage site developments around Udaipur (sedimentary and tectonic structures and stromatolites of Jhamarkotra and Bojunda, Chittaurgarh for local population and visiting tourists and pan-India and wider aspect.
- Zawar Geopark, all the formalities desired by GSI from the Rajasthan State government side, right from Secretary Mines down to Zawar Patwari level have been completed and sent to GSI HQ through the HoD, GSI-WR, Jaipur. Efforts are on to develop Zawar through the State Department of Tourism and local MP. MLA, and Rajya-Sabha member who is from nearby Dungarpur…
- Ramgadh Meteorite Impact Crater Geopark through promotion of publications and public awareness activities through the Natural Heritage Division of INTACH. Recent foreign publications (2018,2019,2020) on Ramgarh has resulted in its acceptance as the third MIC of India and the only one in Rajasthan (2020).
- Material Heritage Restoration Works:
- Restoration of the 1754 CE handwritten Hastaurved of Palkapya Hrishi from the ICI-Mehrangarh Art Conservation Center, Jodhpur and its translation to Hindi (from Sanskrit) through the MMCF, Udaipur, March 2021.
- Restoration of damages and soiled Mewar painting of 1863 CE, locally at Udaipur.
- Ivory item of 1930, its restoration and repainting from ICI-Mehrangarh Art Conservation Center, Jodhpur.
Dr. Ranawat is one of the founder members of Udaipur INTACH Chapter (1985).
Post 2010 Publication Details are as Follows:
Books Published and other effective information dispersal:
- Book: UDAIPUR: Since 1553 CE. Its Founding & a Concise Photo-Fact File,
96p, June18, 2014, ISBN: 978-81-929881-0-8. Kumbha Exclusives, Udaipur
- Book: Geoheritage of Udaipur Region-the Mewad of Yore, Rajasthan, India, 168+4p,
January 15, 2016. ISBN: 978-81-929881-3-9, Kumbha Exclusives, Udaipur
Book: Wah! UDAIPUR Wah!!-Its Founding & a Concise Photo-Fact File Since 1553 CE. 120p,
February 12, 2016. ISBN: 978-81-929881-1-5, Kumbha Exclusives, Udaipur
3A. Book: वह! उदयपुर वह!! उदयपुर की स्थापना एवं संक्षिप्त तथ्यात्मक आकलन ई १५५३, 118p, translation
by: Prof. Pratibha Pande. February 12, 2016, ISBN: 978-81-929881-2-2. Kumbha Exclusives,
- Monograph on National Geological Monuments and Potential Geoheritage Sites of Rajasthan-
their Status and INTACH Assessment. 98p, November 12, 2016. ISBN: 978-81-929881-4-6,
Kumbha Exclusives, Udaipur
- UDAIPUR-Seen & Unseen, H. Shimazaki & P. S. Ranawat. 2020. 88p,
Watercolors & Commentaries, Himanshu Publications, ISBN: 978-81-7906-854-0
- A Monograph on Ramgarh Meteorite Impact Crater Rajasthan. Sisodia, MS & Ranawat, PS, AUGUST 2020, 48 p, Natural Heritage Division, INTACH, New Delhi.
- A Monograph on Zawar Zinc Mines, Rajasthan– A potential Global Geopark. January 2021. 31 p. Natural Heritage Division, INTACH, New Delhi.
Multicolor Brochures/Folders/Handbills (A4/Legal size), Printed on art paper.
- Regional Seminar on: National Geological Monuments and Geoheritage Sites of Rajasthan:
Their Development and Management. November 12,13, 2016. INTACH
- Doodhtalai-Raampol Heritage Walk. April 29, 2017, Akshaya Tritiya VS 2074. INTACH
- A Pictorial Introduction to INTACH. April 29, 2017, Akshaya Tritiya VS 2074. INTACH
- Doodhtalai-Raampol Dharohar Darshan, in Hindi. April 18, 2018, Akshaya Tritiya VS 2075. INTACH
- Raampol Heritage Trail-It’s the Journey as well as the Destination, Nature and Built Heritage.
The City Wall and its twelve Gates (in Hindi). April 18, 2018, Akshaya Tritiya VS 2075. INTACH
- The Geoheritage Advantage of Udaipur. April 18, 2018, Akshaya Tritiya VS 2075. INTACH
- UDAIPUR in Guha Doorg- Gooha-Doorg Located Udaipur, A geoheritage Assessment. April 18, 2018, Akshaya Tritiya VS 2075. INTACH
- Udaipur Sthapna Mein Bhoodharohariya Avdaan -in Hindi. September 01, 2018, Janmashtami eve. INTACH
- National Geological Monuments-NGMs/ Geoheritage Sites of Rajasthan (10+2). December 2018. NHD- INTACH
- Rajasthan Heritage Photo Competition & Exhibition. February 19-21, 2019. INTACH
- Ayad Heritage Walk- Laser printout distributed to the participants of the CCRT All-India School Teachers’ Orientation Course on 27th January 2019
- All-India Geoheritage Day: July 21. Recognize, Appreciate, Promote, and Save our Geoheritage. SES & Univ. Geology Dept.
- Geoheritage-Blessed Udaipur. December 2019. A 4-p A4-size folder.
- Udaipur Sthapna Mein Bhoodharohariy Avdaan (in Hindi), December 2019. A 4-p A4-size folder
- Prakratik Ajooba- Raamgadh Ulkapind Prahar Ghaddey ki Utpatti (in Hindi). A nature’s Wonder -Origin of Ramgarh Meteorite – Impact Crater. A 4-p folder in Hindi, October 2020
- Zawar-Rajasthan- Bharat ka Ek Sambhavit Vaishvik Bhoodharohariya Udyaan. Zawar – Potential UNESCO Geopark-4-p folder in Hindi, October 2020
- Restored Raampol-the Multi-heritage Trek, 2021 CE. A 4-p legal size folder. March 2021
- Punaha Sthapit Raammpol-Raampol Bahu-Dharohariya Heritage Walk-Ek Manoranjak Padyatra Evam Gantaviya (In Hindi). A 4-p legal size folder. March 2021
- Natural Heritage Attributes of Raampol Area. A 4-p legal size folder. March 2021