Geological Investigation of the Fluorspar Deposits of Rajasthan
Abstract of the Ph. D. thesis of Dr. P. S. Ranawat
Thesis submitted on 16.09.1972 to the University of Rajasthan.
Supervisor:Dr. M. K. Pandya
The thesis describes host rock petrology, mineralization structures & textures, and genesis of four fluorspar deposits / prospects of Rajasthan, viz., Mando-Ki-Pal, Chowkri-Chhapoli, Jhalara and Asind.
In the Mando-Ki-Pal area the country rocks are migmatites with occasional bands of muscovite-¬kyanite-schist. Lower Proterozoic Aravalli quartzite surrounds the migmatites of Precambrian Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC). This study has shown that the host rocks of fluorspar are not cherts and cherty limestone, as hither-to-considered, but are silicified cataclastic rocks. They include proto- to ultramylonite, blastomylonite, and gangmylonite. Consequently, the genetic model for the deposit will be different and its resource evaluation will have to be modified.
Green and purple fluorite, calcite ((mangeneferous at places, displaying red fluorescence) and quartz, are the main vein minerals, which display characteristic cavity: filling structures, viz., fissure filling, joint filling, fracture filling, symmetrical crustification, cockade structure, segmented veins, breccia filling and brecciated veins etc. Grains of pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite are rarely present. Green fluorite and Mn-calcite display fluorescence. Epimorphs of calcite in gangmylonite is also common. Silicification and chloritization of the host rocks is observed. At Kaila persistent stratabound veins of brownish / grayish fluorite occur in quartzite. Jhalara is an extension of Mando-Ki-Pal area and the mineralization is very poor, occurring in migmatites, pegmatite and quartzite. This area was abandoned after prospecting.
At Chowkri the fluorspar occurs in tonalite boss intruding the Middle Proterozoic Ajabgarh garnet-biotite schist. While at the adjoining Chhapoli the fluorspar is confined to Ajabgarh feldspathic quartzite. Green & purple fluorite in both these areas occur as large, color-zoned octahedral crystals. Calcite and quartz are associated with fluorite. Secondary neodigenite and hydrous iron oxide are found in few sections. Mineral, zoning is noticed at Chowkri area. Fluorite, calcite, quartz occur in the central part while apatite, quartz form the outer zone. The hydrothermal mineralization has brought about kaolinization and hematitization of the host rocks. Ilmenite and magnetite is associated with hornblendite reefs in the area.
Near Asind the fluorspar veins occur in migmatites of Banded Gneissic Complex; amphibolite, pegmatite, aplite, epidosite, unakite are also present. Epidotization of vein wall in migmatite is characteristic features observed in the area. Associated minerals are quartz and rarely calcite. Here too the mineralization is poor and the area was discarded after prospecting.
The fluorspar mineralization in these areas is diplogenetic formed by low temperature hydrothermal solution related to migmatization at Mando-Ki-Pal, Jhalara, Asind and tonalite-granite at Chowkri-Chhapoli. Fluorine bearing solutions leached calcium front the country rocks and deposited fluorspar in the available cavities (fissures, fractures, joint planes, pore spaces, etc.). Since cavity filling in non-calcareous rocks is predominant and replacement poor, therefore, the deposits are of poor economic significance.